Are you ready to take the next step in your life journey?
You are aware that there is so much more out there for you, and you want to truly attain the life of your dreams?
You have an understanding that what you have experienced with visions, spirits, voices, nature and animals, and your connection to the Earth are more than just 'hallucinations' and delusions.
That your spirit knows there is more happening within you than simply a diagnosis.
'Who you have been pales in comparison to who you can become.' - Adam Bushelle
Do you suffer from a mental illness?
I help people with mental illness to understand their true gifts and powers, and also how they can heal themselves to fulfill the life of their dreams.
There are three levels of evolution for those who experience themselves as a natural sensitive and a bridge between worlds (one who is able to experience an expanded spectrum of life).
These are the psychotic stage, the psychic stage, and the mystic stage.
These are the three stages at which you will find yourself in terms of your innate gift as a sensitive, if you have also had a mental illness.​
The psychotic stage is the path of chaos and confusion, though also the stage at which you are opened to your true gift and potential as a psychic. This stage is where you must make the most change, and requires the most support to heal.
The psychic stage is the path of clarity and purpose. It is where you are healed and whole within, and are able to use your gifts to your intended purpose. This stage is where you can help and heal others, and moves you into the path of service.
The mystic stage is the path of transcendence and transformation. It is where you have moved to a level of complete wholeness and holiness. You are aware of the divine in all things, and are able to help others make shifts towards higher understandings.
​I offer personalised guidance for those who are wanting to know more about how they can move forward with their healing journey, and their knowledge about how to navigate the otherworldly (our heightened perception of life).
I'm not a professional therapist or psychiatrist. I work in conjunction with your current supports. Please think of me as a guide or a coach, who will help you achieve your goals in life, and specifically your natural sensitivity and innate gifts as someone who experiences mental illness.
Through working together we can support and assist you in moving from the psychotic state, to the psychic state, and towards the state of the mystic. The path towards becoming whole and healed begins when you choose to take that first step.​
I will help you to take those first steps towards healing, understanding your innate sensitivity and how to navigate your heightened perception of life, and also changing your life so you can fulfill your dreams.
If you are interested in doing coaching with me we can schedule a 45 minute Mental Health Review where we look at your challenges and obstacles, and create a strategy to help you move forward. We will look at where you are and where you want to go, and if coaching is the right thing for you.
I look forward to journeying with you.
Guidance for
Mental Illness
8 Session Package
Session 1
Vision: Looking at what you need to move towards where you want to be in life, and what will get you there. This includes any initial practices and changes that can be made, and what your over-arching goal is for the coaching. At the end of this session you will have an understanding of where you currently are in your life, and how to get to where you want to go, giving you a state of independence and empowerment to make positive change.
Session 3
Power: Clearing addictions and removing blockages to success. We will look at any addictions you have and how to change those. We will also look at any blockages you have to being successful on your journey. At the end of this sessions you will understand the process of how to move beyond addiction, and you will have a direct path towards how to succeed in your life through purity in body, mind and spirit.
Session 5
Emotional Healing: This session will be about learning about the 5 natural emotions and the 5 learned emotions, and how to create the release of repressed emotions to heal and move towards wholeness. At the end of this session you will be able to successfully express any emotion, and to be able to understand your emotional states. We will also look at tools to help you manage your emotions, and to stabilise and ground if you are in emotional overwhelm.
Session 2
Community and Support: Creating a support network and addressing the three basics of the Body: sleep, diet, and exercise. We will look at what will help you to create change on these three fundamental levels of physical health to support your journey. At the end of this session you will have an understanding of what foods help you to sustain mental and physical health, giving you a way to feel good and to support your mind. We will also create a sleep and exercise pattern that can help you to stabilise and find your natural rhythm.
Session 4
Awakening the Mind: Looking at mindfulness, observing and meditation, and how to make your mind work for you. We will see where your patterns emerge from and how to change them. We will gently look at your thoughts and how they have become a part of your mentality. At the end of this session you will have a greater understanding of the mind, and how to give it space to heal, and also how to use it empower yourself towards wholeness.
Session 6
Navigating the Otherworldly: Here we will learn and understand the difference between psychosis and the otherworldly perception of life. The difference between the two and how to be able to use your natural gifts and talents to create equilibrium within yourself and within your perception. At the end of this session you will be able to navigate your heightened perception of life, and to be able to know how to move through this safely and successfully.
Session 7
Healing Deep Trauma: In this session you will understand how to heal and move through deep trauma. Healing yourself and moving towards wholeness will support your identity, and will also help you to attain greater states of mental health. At the end of this session you will have an understanding of how to heal on the deepest levels of who you are, and you will also understand how to choose a professional to work with to support that deep healing.
Session 8
Moving Towards the Mystic: Here we will explore the way you can move into a state of wakefulness and awareness of who you are on a spiritual level. We will explore the path from psychotic to psychic to mystic, and how you can get to a place of trans-rational awareness. We will look at your spiritual gifts and potential to create your grandest vision of who you are. We will also explore your spiritual powers and how you can create change.
We will be as gentle as we need to be to support your true healing and growth, and your recovery towards wholeness. We will only go at the pace you are comfortable with, and if anything arises that requires further assistance, we will quickly move into action to ensure you are stable and able to continue living your life as you choose. We will essentially be working with your support network to create a deep healing and transformation, while allowing you to move forward with your dreams.
At the end of the 8 sessions you will have a complete understanding of what to do to maintain mental health, to achieve equilibrium, to be able to heal yourself, and to understand your innate gifts and talents as a sensitive. You will know the path towards wholeness, and how to travel that path successfully. There will be a change in your being, and who you are, and you will know how attain a state of liberation from your illness so you may achieve the life of your dreams.
About Me
I'm a published author, musician, artist, and I also help people with mental illness, to heal and understand their true gifts and potential as a sensitive.
I began my spiritual development journey when I was in highschool, though partying and drugs and alcohol took the reigns, and I spent my twenties going in and out of hospitals, with numerous diagnoses of psychosis, schizophrenia and schizo-affective disorder. When I finally hit rock bottom, I decided to change everything, and turn my life around.
I knew I had a greater purpose, and this called to me, helping me make the necessary shifts toward becoming the man I dreamt of. I chose to create the grandest vision of myself, and through the changes that I made to become this grandest vision, I created a path of healing for myself.
When I finally became well enough, I decided to begin helping others to achieve their dreams, and also to heal and attain wholeness. The process and path that I took was something that I knew was not just for me, it was for others, and I journeyed that path for 10 years before I came to a place of wholeness and fulfillment of my life purpose.
This is what lead me to where I am today. I am only just beginning my life purpose here, and I am delighted to be able to help others do the same.This is why I'm passionate about helping others, because I know what it's like to go through immense suffering, and then to be able to come out of that, and to move into the direction of your dreams.
There's truly nothing like being able to achieve your life purpose, and the fulfillment and reward and satisfaction from that is immensely beautiful.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the mental health review free?
I use a freemium method of marketing. Just like Youtube, Google or Spotify, I offer a service for free, such as educating people about spiritual development or mental illness, and then from there I work with and help people who are interested in pursuing further education and a more focused approach to moving forward in their lives. That's why the Strategy Session is free. I will help you with what I can in the Strategy Session, then if we both decide we're a good fit, we can work together in paid coaching.
How long is the mental health review?
The Strategy Session is 45 minutes. This time allows for both a shorter session, if needed, or a longer session, if needed. We are not bound to the 45 minutes, it will take as long as we need to both help you with where you are now, and to also come to a decision as to whether we do further coaching.
Who am I?
My name is Adam Bushelle. I'm a Spiritual Development coach, and I also help people with mental illness. I'm an author, musician, and an artist. After going through a very long and challenging journey with schizophrenia, I finally decided to change my life. At that point I was able to stop using drugs and feeding my addictions, and was able to spend a long time in deep meditation, and feeling through my emotions. I spent 10 years doing this, and finally came to the point where I was able to begin pursuing my life purpose. I have been doing that for 3 years now, and am in such a good place that I wanted to begin helping others. As a career, life coaching is something I am very passionate about.
What does this transformation entail?
I work with the 3 aspects of Body, Mind and Spirit. These three aspects are the fundamental basis of who we all are. We all have a body, mind and spirit. These three core areas of who we are have practices and processes that we can use to further our health, healing and evolution. Throughout our coaching together, we will look at where you are in terms of your body, mind and spirit, and what practices we can incorporate into our coaching to help you move forward towards your goals and dreams. Working on each level, we will bring in what needs to happen to facilitate the change you want. And through that, we will then begin implementing practices and changes to your lifestyle and who you are so you can achieve your life's purpose. The transformation you will go through will be on each of these three levels, though can also include changes to emotions, diet, exercise, beliefs, connection to self and others, and also your relation to God, or Life.
Why do we need this transformation?
I believe at this point in humanity's evolution, we must begin to raise our consciousness. If we are to succeed as a species, and if we are to fulfill our greatest potential as a race, we must begin moving towards a heightened state of consciousness. We are excelling on many different levels at this time, through science, medicine, technology, and many other forms of who we are as a species, we must now incorporate and further our consciousness to keep at the same pace as our other evolving systems. Consciousness, and the heightening of our awareness is pivotal in determining our success as a species. We must match our conscious evolution with the evolution of our technology, medicine, science and other systems. Along with that, many people are now wanting, and are in a space, to be able to increase the quality of their personal lives. As this happens, we increase the quality of life as a whole. Many people are now looking at ways they can implement change in their personal lives, so they can increase their quality of life, and to also fulfill their purpose. People with mental illness are vital to the health of their community, and the planet. People with mental illness are akin to the shaman of ancient tribal cultures, they help the planet stay balanced, and through their gifts they can assist themselves and others towards health and harmony.
How fast is the transformation?
The transformation can take anywhere up to 3 months, to 3 years. I believe coaching is a long term thing. And, it all depends on how high you want to go, and also where you want to go. The higher your reach and potential, the more coaching we will need to do. It all depends on what you are wanting to achieve. Coaching someone on changing their life doesn't happen overnight, and it will take work from you to fulfill the change you want. Though it doesn't have to be stressful, or hard to implement these changes. The best way towards transformation is through imbuing flow and small pivotal shifts in your direction. Sometimes the change will be a big thing for you, or it may be smaller changes over time, though I will always be here to support you through these changes; holding your hand as you move through the terrain of transformation.