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A spiritual
solution to
healing and
mental illness
Hi, my name is Adam Bushelle.
I assist people with mental illness to move from brokenness to wholeness. The healing path is a long and arduous journey, and I help by guiding people towards what works to heal, and also to understand your true nature as a sensitive.
Exploring Wholeness with Like Minded People
Spirituality is where science and religion meet.
This way of looking at mental health issues includes both the scientific and the religious, forming what we see as a spiritual solution.
Taking what we know of our understanding of biology, medicine, supplementation, lifestyle habits and how our body works and mixing those with our understanding of our connection with God, our choices, our beliefs, our relationships, and perception of the other-worldly, we can come to a holistic view of our approach to what we consider as mental illness.
Spirituality is where we connect the body and mind, and thus discover our soul, and healing ourselves on all three levels of Body, Mind and Spirit create the deepest healing so we may move towards wholeness.
Shine Your Light and Find Your Identity As a Sensitive
In the past we've had a view of mental illness that is not complete. The approach I am using is to complete our view of mental illness, including all the aspects that are in our lives, as a guide to the truth of how this phenomenon works.
Including practices that look at all three aspects of our being: Body, Mind and Spirit, we can come to a deeper and more full picture, and practice, in how we treat and manage who we are at these three fundamental levels.
To become whole you must first heal your self at the deepest level, doing this will give you everything you need to accomplish your dreams.
Here are the coaching services I offer
Guidance For People With Mental Illness
I help people with mental illness to travel the path of healing and movement towards wholeness within.
It is entirely possible to heal from mental illness, and with new developments in science, medicine, therapy, holistic practices, and dietary changes, I can help you to move from where you are now, to where you want to be.
I believe we should include spirituality in our view of mental illness, and I work with the three aspects of Body, Mind and Spirit to help you to heal.
I also envision a future where people with mental illness are understood to hold a heightened perception of life that embraces a greater spectrum of reality, and who can offer their gifts to their community.
Spiritual Development for Men
Along with helping people with mental illness, I also help men to discover their life purpose; to transform their past, reframe their mindset, heal their soul and move into the life of their dreams.
I specifically help men to uncover what is hiding deep within themselves, to clear away blocks to success, and to pave a way towards their ideal life.
In order to live our greatest dreams, we must become our greatest self. The first step is to point yourself in the direction of your dreams. Once you do that, you can then form a clear picture of who you want to become.
Once you are facing the path towards your ideal self, and have a clear vision of who you want to become, you can then begin to take those steps towards this ideal self.
Hi, I'm Adam Bushelle
I first became ill at the age of 18. I spent the next 10 years
going in and out of hospitals, dealing with drug addictions,
and going through a highly challenging time with schizophrenia.
After that I decided to change everything, and even though the
past 10 years have been challenging and pushed me to the depth
of my emotions, out of that came deep healing. Through the healing came deeper relationships with my family and friends, and also movement towards my life purpose.
​Gathering from more than 10 years of personal and inner experience on how to heal mental illness, and how to integrate one's self into empowerment, I have found the most effective and deeply healing practices that helped me transform into a healthy human being. I am not a professional, everything I have done has come from experience. I learnt a lot along the 20 year journey from being a drug addicted schizophrenic, with depression, anxiety, OCD, multiple psychotic episodes, schizo-affective disorder, ADD and PTSD, and have found a path that not only helped me to heal, but brought me towards where I am today, which is the person I always envisioned myself to be in the grandest vision of who I am.